John Boadu Elected As Vice Chairman Of The Democrat Union Of Africa

The General Secretary of the NPP, Mr. John Boadu, was, on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, elected, as the Vice Chairman of the Democrat Union of African (DUA), at its 2018 conference which was held at the Labadi Beach Hotel in Accra, Ghana.

The Democrat Union of Africa (DUA) is the African Chapter of the International Democrat Union (IDU), which is the global alliance of all centre-right to right wing political parties as well as like-minded organizations and think-tanks, dedicated to promoting conservative ideology and democratic principles in Africa and across the globe.

The Accra conference, which was hosted by the NPP and ably partnered and supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, the Conservative Party of UK as well as the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, was used to advance preparations towards the re-launch of DUA for the purpose of rejuvenating the Union to effectively promote the goals and aspirations of the African people.

Again, at this conference, President Akufo-Addo was honored by the IDU, which conferred on him, the title of Honorary Patron of the Democrat Union of Africa, for his unflinching commitment to the ideals of the IDU including the promotion of democracy, rule of law and good governance in Ghana and across the continent of Africa.

The conference also elected Mr. MacHenry Venaam, the current Presidential Candidate of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), which is the leading opposition party in Namibia, as the Chairman of the Democrat Union of Africa.


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