Npp's Statement On Ghana's 62nd Independence Anniversary Celebration

On the occasion of Ghana’s 62nd independence anniversary commemoration, the NPP is pleased to join the rest of the world to wish the country a joyous celebration. The party also salutes the Ghanaian people on this historic day, and commends them for their individual
and collective efforts towards ensuring that Ghana remains the trailblazer and citadel of democracy and good governance on the continent of Africa and beyond.

Ghana, the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence from her Colonial Masters, has undoubtedly, made and continues to make giant strides in the 62 years of nationhood especially in the areas of peace-building and democratic consolidation. This enviable milestone is certainly worth celebrating. It is in recognition of this that the 2019 anniversary is being held on the theme, “Celebrating Peace and Unity”.

It is also instructive that, for the first time in our history, the national event to commemorate this auspicious day is not being held at the traditional venue, the Black Star Square in Accra, but at the Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium in Tamale, the Northern Regional Capital, within the Dagbon State.

This is to, inter alia, honour the people of Dagbon for their genuine commitment to peace and reconciliation, bringing to an end decades of unrest and division, which commitment culminated in the successful investiture of a new Ya Na, on January 29, 2019. 

Again, the NPP, on this occasion, pays a glowing tribute to the nation’s forebears and founding fathers for their legendary sacrifices and contributions to our independence struggle, and admonishes the current generation to emulate these virtues in all our endeavours and in contributing our quota to nation building.

May almighty God bless our homeland, Ghana, and may He grant the government of H.E. President Akufo-Addo the benediction to continue to deliver prosperity to the Ghanaian people to make our nation even much greater and stronger.

Once again HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to all Ghanaians.


John Boadu
General Secretary


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