Here is the transcript of an exclusive interview with Oheneba Nana Asiedu by chief editor of nqanews.blogspot.com,Nana Quame Afriyie. Read the full interview below:

Nana : Good day Oheneba.How are you?

Oheneba : Good day Nana . I am fine by his grace and yourself?

Nana : I am highly blessed and thanks for your time this afternoon. How did your radio career began?

Oheneba : Amen. Media in general has been my passion when I was growing up.I see it as a calling to serve God and country.

I began with Boss fm as a reporter in October 2008, became the morning show producer, a news anchor and later became the host of a social talk show, "Masem Ni" on Saturdays.

Later,I hosted the morning show from 2011,served as news editor and finally became the programs manager in September 2015.

I left Boss fm as the morning show host and programs manager in April 2016 and signed up for the then new Silver fm in May 2016.I was host of Silver FM's morning show dubbed " Omanbapa". I moved on in August 2017 to the radio university,Fox97.9fm all in Kumasi.

Nana : Wow. In all these moves from one station to the other,has there been a time you regretted venturing into radio?

Oheneba : well Nana,life wouldn't be easy at all times so is normal to face some challenges. I have not regretted but I have learned my lessons.

Nana : Why did you quit Silver fm for Foxfm?

Oheneba : lol...managers of Foxfm I believe saw my worth,abilities and how fit I am to join them and presented a sumptuous poaching package very few presenters would reject.I was working with Silver fm then. I accepted and agreed to the contract terms and joined Fox97.9fm in August, 2017.

Nana : Was it that your worth and abilities weren't appreciated at Silver fm?

Oheneba : Not that. They appreciated my exploits a lot but I saw it as my time to accept a new challenge. I moved on since.

Nana : How did Silver fm welcome your news of exit?

Oheneba : It came as a shock to almost everyone.This is because I am one of such they would have wished to work with for a long period. I spent a year and half there.But I must say it was a nice time with Silver fm.I wish them well.

Nana : Knowing Foxfm to be a bigger brand,were you intimidated in a way?

Oheneba : I was not. I accepted it as a huge challenge in my career looking at it already established brand.I remember before my very first show I sat with my producers and discussed the new challenge at hand and that we needed to prove ourselves wrong.

Nana : How was the reception at Foxfm?

Oheneba : It was beautiful. One thing I can say is that Foxfm is a big family and everybody is doing his maximum best.Teamwork is one of Foxfm's hallmarks.
It was a wonderful reception.

Nana : Kwame Adinkra,Captain Smart,Nana Yaw Sarfoh(Rev.),Akwasi Boateng and Lawyer Baomah Darko Isaac have all been hosts of Fox Morning Drive.Were you nervous to take over from them?

Oheneba : My predecessors have done their part and did a great job.They all had their style of moderation and I have mine.
Oheneba is in with "The New Experience" on Fox Morning Drive.Rather, their exploits have urged me on to do more.

Nana : One year on what is the work experience with Foxfm like?

Oheneba : It has been a unique experience.You know Foxfm has an enviable set standard. The kind of followers and listeners are very discerning and follow every bit of what you do.It tells me what is at stake.So I'm also being meticulous in my line of duty.

Nana : What's your take on your production team?

Oheneba : The least said the better with them.They are gentlemen I have worked with all these while.I'm proud to have them and congratulate them on this day.

Nana : Is there any form of interference in your line of duty by the powers that be?

Oheneba : Not at all Nana.The powers that be you referred to have been very supportive and appreciative.

Nana : Is Oheneba leaving Foxfm soon?

Oheneba : Nana,I am one fellow that do not predict my future since I have no idea of where God wants to land me.I am happy at Foxfm and enjoying my stay.Oheneba is with Foxfm now.

Nana : Finally, what are your last words?

Oheneba : I thank God for how far he has brought me.I also say "Ayekoo" to the family of Foxfm,followers and listeners of the ultimate radio station, Fox97.9fm.

And finally I want to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to the chief editor of  Nqanews.blogspot. com(Nana Quame Afriyie) for the support and publicity given me.

May the good Lord bless us all.
Together let's serve God and country.

Nana : Thank you Mr. Oheneba Nana Asiedu for your time with nqanews.blogspot. com.We look forward to working with you for a longtime.


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