Cabinet Approves $30m Water Supply Project For The People Of Yendi

Cabinet has approved a 30million dollar water supply expansion project for the people of Yendi in the Northern Region. The development is coming on the back of a successful roadmap on the peace process in the area in relation to the funerals of Ya-Na Mahamadu
Abdulai IV and Ya-Na Yakubu II. The is expected to take about 30 months.

The approval of the water supply system is also in line with government’s policy to ensure that by 2030 all people living in Ghana have portable water.

The project will serve more than one hundred and thirty-three (133,000) people through the Yendi project.

Given the strategic importance of the Yendi Municipality to Ghana, particularly in terms of its contribution to the Agric sector through the production of food and cash crops in large scale, as well as the presence of iron ore deposits in the catchment area. The supply of potable water would therefore be an impetus to increase production and boost the mining potential.

The scope of work for this water supply project will include: 

•The construction of a 15,000m3/day (3.3MGD) Conventional water treatment plant.
•Construction of a 25km transmission pipelines.
•Construction of water booster station
•Construction of reservoirs and rehabilitation and extension of distribution networks, approximately 50km.

It's Government exceptation that the peace in Yendi will be everlasting, so that this project, as well as other projects which will be announced in due time will be successfully completed.


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