Exclusive Interview:"I Would Play For Kotoko Sc Free Of Charge If......."-Bernard "Alhaji Diouf" Don Bortey

Here is the transcript of an exclusive interview with one of Ghana's Finest Footballers who graced the Ghana Premier League in the late 90's through to the late 2000's predominantly in the rainbow colours. He is noted for his "difficult nature".Once a Blackstars player in the
round up to " Germany 2006 worldcup". He is also noted for 'litany of nicknames' as he featured for a number of teams in the premier league.To mention a few is "The Serial Killer, The Chief Tormentor, The Humble Lion" etc...

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you every bit of what was said by Bernard "Alhaji Diouf" Don Bortey in an exclusive interview with chief editor of nqanews.blogspot.com

NQA: Good day 'Serial Killer' and how are you?

Bortey: Good day boss.I'm fine.

NQA : Thanks.In which of the matches against Kumasi Asante Kotoko at BabaYara Sports Stadium that Don Bortey was himself on the field of play?

Bortey: The second leg of the premier league after the May 9th disaster. That game was very tight.There were rumors that I used my hand to touch the ball which resulted in a goal.I denied it. Since your platform is a big one I would speak the truth.For a fact I touched the ball with my hand.The referee was far from the scene and couldn't have spotted from his position. Joe Hendrich was close to me but before he could raised an alarm,the ball had entered the net already.

NQA : So Don Bortey has replicated what Diego Maradon and Lionel Messi all of Argentina had done in the past?

Bortey: Yes,but take note mine was done before Messi did his.

NQA: Are you hit by the mantra from most of our sports presenters indicating that some players ie Don Bortey,Gabriel Opoku-Ware,Francis Akwaffo,Nana Arhin Duah etc are old and can't play active football again?

Bortey: No no no.I only pity other players who do not have the courage to stand such words and utterances. I can't tell the ages of those players since I'm not their biological parent.I just look at such sports pundits and 'forget' them.

NQA: Is Don Bortey fit enough to play active football when handed the opportunity?

Bortey: Yes I can.I'm fit enough and I would play for Kotoko free of charge if the opportunity is given.There will be no charge since Kotoko  can't meet my demands.

NQA: Have you ever come for Kotoko's money with the intention of playing for them and later decided not?

Bortey: Not at all Nana.I'm always saddened when I hear that particular claim.On record I have never received any amount from Kotoko ever since.You can ask Mr. George Amoako if such event went on.
I'm human and has feelings as well so when the fans chant "ewi oo ewi oo"(thief) it may push me to also react accordingly.

NQA: So Don Bortey hasn't stepped foot to Kotoko's office for any amount.

Bortey: Nana I repeat I haven't taken any dime from Kotoko Sc.The management miscommunicated to their fans.Just make enquiries from Mr. George Amoako.

NQA: Now back to your mother club.What's your on Hearts of Oak currently?

Bortey: The then Hearts of Oak isn't like now.We have done our parts and is now the turn of other players.They have to do their best but you need to be courageous, committed and spiritually strong to wear the rainbow colours else forget it.

NQA: What are your words for the executives of GUFA?

Bortey: Boss is a good initiative by my good brother,Francis Akwaffo " Totti".We are friends and after a careful thought I saw it's a good project I have to be part.I'm happy to meet some players I met in a longtime. It's a great feeling of brotherhood.

NQA: Finally, what are your last words for your fans in Kumasi and that of Accra Hearts of Oak?

Bortey: First of all,I would like to thank them for the support always.I really like them.For Hearts of Oak fans,they have to keep up the support to lift the image of the club.The supporters are greatly needed in these trying times.God bless us  all.

NQA : Thank you Bernard Dada Don Bortey for your time and we wish you the best of lucks ahead.

I would want to use this opportunity to thank readers and followers of nqanews. blogspot.com.
You have been my inspiration.
Once again thank you.


  1. Nice interview you've had with the best winger during his era. I call him Don Dada Diouf Bortey.


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