Full Report: Duncan And Associates Research Group Scores 'FMD' Host, Oheneba Nana Asiedu Highest For Placing Human Life First Amongst Others On Fox Morning Drive

2018/2019 Top Media Organisations In Kumasi Metropolis - avoid discrimination and selective justice.
As I introduced and published on the 27TH December, 2018, as captioned above, here are the findings/results of the research.


The basis for  the research as emphasized in the 27TH December publication, was explained as follows:

(1) which media Organisations practice and promote discrimination and selective justice, by  serving the interest of some class of people:
(i) granting them opportunities to speak on their platforms (ii) shield the  wrongdoings of those they consider more human and prominent to the disadvantage of others they consider low standards - there is a cross-line.

(2) media Organisations which grant equal opportunities to people of all walks of life without discrimination and or selective justice.
Ones you are human being, they(the media organizations) hold you in high esteem.; they treat every human equally irrespective of your social, economic, political, ethnic or religious status whenever the need arises for you to speak through their platform, you are welcome - there is no crossline.

(3) finding out the causes of media biases(discrimination and selective justice),

(4) finding out effects of media biases as stated in "3" above.

Below are the results:

1) Discrimination - *not allowing each and everyone who so will to sit behind their console to join "in - studio" discussion*,

(2) Selective Justice
 *treating some people as more important than  others and sweep their wrongdoings under carpet*.

This research is not aimed at naming and shaming any media organization but to sensitize them to recognize their shortfalls and change for better.

Under no circumstance should a media organization segregate the population as to who matters and who does not matter?

Whose wrongdoings should we report and whose should we not? .

The media Organisations must stand like the courts. Both lower and higher courts, treat all human equally by applying same laws and principles to whoever stands before the courts.

There is no laws for bigwigs or elites or proletariat(the law is no respecter of persons), mad or sane men, same law applies to every citizen respective of the offense committed.
The media should follow same.

The Courts operate on the principle that
 "Every Human Being owns a Reputation which no one should demean" so if you say Mr "A" does not own reputation, prove to the court why you are saying that, the media must follow suit.

 The media must respect every human being as they(the media men), hold to themselves. They should not insinuate that media men are more human than others but they should rather hold the opinion that "they are serving the people of all walks of life equally, fairly and justiciously.

The results are categorized as follows:



Nine(9) out of 13 Fm stations which were purposively sampled were found in groupA throuh the research but with variations.

Our observational expectations were as follows

The Media must
a) grant equal opportunities for people of all walks of life,

b) ensure  justice for all,

c) Place human life first in all their endeavors,

d) Offer themselves as the voice for the voiceless as fairly as service to mankind.

 The stations are arranged in 1ST, 2ND etc according to the marks in percentage they scored.

In groupA, a station with highest percentage implies they fulfill the expections to the maximum and vice versa.

The media Organization that came first on GroupA is
*Fox Fm*
Score - 100%
 By *Oheneba Nana Asiedu*, morning show host.

  2ND *Boss Fm*
 Score - 98%
By *Wofa Kofi Appiah*, morning show host and *Kwabena Agyei Ananse*, Boss encounter host.

Score - 95%
By  *Emmanuel k Takyi Boahen*(bishop) host Nyansapo,
 Sika Fm
Score - 89%
By *Alhasan Okogyeaboc*, the point host(then) ,

*Kumasi Fm*
Score - 89%
 By *George Agude*, morning show host

*Nhyira Fm*
Score - 80%
By *Kofi Asante*, morning show host.

Abusua Fm
Score - 69%
By *Osten Wood*, host of Ghana Amanmuo(operational during research period)

Agyenkwa Fm
Score - 62%
By *Nana Yaw Joel*, Host(during research period) Agyenkwa Dawuro

Bohy3 Fm
Score - 52%
By Agya Yaw, morning show host

Group B
This group consist of Media Organisations which discriminates and do selective justice. They see some people as low standards to as they(the media men) have   rated themselves as high standards and those they hold in high esteem.

They are not serving the interest of the masses but some section of the population yet they want the low standard ones to listen to them.
This does not necessarily implies GroupBs are not contributing to the growth of the economy they are doing stupendiously great but they allow just a few people to participate their programmes a practice which is not expected of a media organization.

Four(4) stations out of the 13 were found to belong to this group through the research.

In this group, the station with highest percentage implies they discriminate and endorse selective justice to the maximum.

According to their principles as observed through the research, , all human beings are not equal to be granted equal opportunities, fair play and justiciousness.

They hold the opinion that in every situation there are exceptions - forgotten that this principle is not applicable to media dispensation.

1ST on groupB is
*Hello Fm*
Score - 100% + 50
Station for the elites and tittle holders and the big men in  society. Nonetheless, no one could doubt the immense contributions Hello Fm is injecting into Ghana's economy if they migrate to GroupA, they would be second to none.

Otec Fm
 Score - 79%
Station for the Academia from degree to PhD holders, friends and love ones, yet, they are performing well.
 The radio voices of the Otec presenters are echoing and tintinabulatory. They should give equal opportunities to all.

Kessben Fm
Score - 75%
Station for the academia, top politicians and rarely, mixed reactions.

Angel Fm
Score - 57%
Polical leaders, tittle holders and non titles( but on controversial matters when someone's image is at stake). Angel Fm is almost joining GroupA they are doing fantastically well.

Those in groupA are helping the nation to grow by building the capacities of the masses.

I Congratulate those in groupA just that those whose scores are less than 80% should improve to climb to the top that is 80% and above.

Despite the fact that the groupB media organizations are found to be discrimitory(allowing just few people to use their platform), their contributions to nation building is fantastic in terms  of professionalism and message content they are doing incomparably great, their only flaw is what the research has captured, that is, discrimination and selective justice.
 They should place value for all human.
They have no excuse to migrate into GroupA to contribute to the building of human capacity.

*Causes of Discrimination and selective justice*

It has been discovered that some of the media Organizations that discriminate  do that to create avenue for extortion and bribery from those who yearn to participate in their programmes but the media men pretend that they do that to create good image for their Organisation, good reason though, but image building has nothing to do creating a cut off point as a media organization.

*Effects Of Media*

(I) It deprives the country of diverse contributions from majority of the citizenry to balance the economic scale - no one is repository of knowledge.

(ii) it does not promote capacity building.

(iii) it demeans and underestimates the potentials and intellects of able men and women who are ready to speak out the best in them for nation building.


1) Media men must treat all men equally,
grant all men equal opportunities, champion the agenda for justice for all,

Media men(some of them) must be appreciative of their salaries and avoid extortionism as that creates barrier for the siphoning of diverse brains to expedite the growth of the state.

(d) media organizations that are in GroupB should migrate into GroupA to award them full scale of their performance.

 My Message To The Overall Winner

*Oheneba Nana Asiedu*,

Fox Fm Morning Show Host, God bless you for the respect you have for all human beings. The way and manner you place value for human on your program is superb and highly commendable keep to that and take this opportunity to advise your colleagues in groupB to follow your indiscriminate and justice for all approach to human.


EMAIL: boatengduncan8@gmail.com


Service to mankind - service to God.

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