Prof. Gyampo Applauds Pres.Akuffo-Addo's Boldness In Resolving Dagbon Conflict

President Akufo Addo deserves some commendation. Under his  presidency and through his instrumentalities (including boldness and tactfulness), the road map towards peace in Dagon has fully been implemented and Dagon has selected a new Overlord.

Well done, Mr President. This is a good LEGACY that cannot be glossed over by right thinking people in society.

We cannot lose sight of the role of JA Kuffour in putting together the eminent chiefs headed by Otumfuor to resolve the conflict. Prof Mills and President Mahama also did what they could in creating some fertile ground for dialogue.

But the intense commitment, audacious boldness, tampered with tactfulness exhibited by President Akufo Addo, both visibly and behind the scenes, for the purposes of ensuring peace in Dagbon, stands him out among his predecessors in dealing with the crisis in Dagbon.

Mr President, this is a good legacy worth celebrating. A legacy that cannot be wiped away by any regime that succeeds you. A legacy that would outlive your name. A legacy that may be envied but cannot be destroyed by political opponents.

Mr. President, please let year 2019 be full of such legacies that douses the divisive flames of winner-takes-all politics, creates national cohesion and resolves conflict through dialogue, tolerance, peace and political accommodation.

Congratulations once again to President Akufo Addo, and all former Presidents, Otumfour and his eminent chiefs, as well as the chiefs and good people of Dagbon.

Congratulations, also to the chiefs and people of Dagbon. We watched your colorful culture displayed during the funeral rites.

Typical of any human society, I know some may have reservations about the current state of affairs but I respectfully urge all in the traditional area to let go, celebrate what has happened and move on for the sake of development in the area. For, in any meaningful conflict resolution, one cannot win all and must not also lose all.

Long Live Dagbon, Long Live Ghana

Yaw Gyampo

A31 Prabiw

P.A.V. Ansah Street



Suro Nipa House




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