"I Will Contest For Mpintinka Electoral Area Seat In Suame Municipality"- Takyi Ameyaw

 Very soon in 2019 will be the election of assembly members for various electoral areas under the metropolitan,municipal and district assemblies. In view of that men and women of good standing have begun making their intentions clear.Incumbent assembly members are optimistic of their retention by electorates.

Checks conducted by nqanews.blogspot.com can authoritatively confirm that 2019 Assembly Election is going to be keenly contested by deserving postulants. We have also intercepted a document of intent by a young gentleman in the Suame Municipality who in the document stated his intention of contesting in the upcoming election of the newly demarcated electoral area Mpintinka Electoral Area.

Below is the Intent Message:

"Good day Fellow Patriots. Per the district assembly elections ACT -1994 (ACT 473) of Ghana's constitution, I TAKYI AMEYAW of Freeman polling station hereby declare my intentions and interest to this honourable house and its noble members to run for the office of Assembly member (ASSEMBLY MAN ) in the days ahead this year 2019 at SUAME NORTH aka MPINTINKA ELECTORAL AREA, a newly demarcated electoral area in SUAME MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY.

As a genuine son of the New Patriotic Party and a good standing member in suame constituency and resident of suame, I deem it of great reverence to inform my political family if I am pursuing a productive cause of this kind. More so, I earnestly solicit for all your benevolent considerations and countenance so as to sail through victorious when the time is due.

My motive of taking such a bold step is because I am of the view that it is about time young energetic intelligent and industrious people of my ilk put together their political prowess to support the municipal assembly to solve problems, enact auxiliary laws, formulate policies that would seek to improve the standard of living, construct our infrastructures and build human capacities so to help individuals be accommodated in the cooperate world in this 21st century. The presence of the municipal assembly alone is a great fortune and must be met with critical thinkers, proactive leadership and pragmatic servants and only with this advancements could  the grassroot levels also feel the good leadership of our government and the profitable policies it comes with as the motive of setting up Municipal / District Assembly is to embark on decentralization by the government.

Honourable house, it is my fervent hope that my intention meets your kind acceptance. Thank you".

By Nana Quame Afriyie


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